Q&A with Joshua Robin – Is JESUS really coming in the year 2028 ?

Wonderful question,

Thanks for asking this because we all ought to know the mysteries behind the parable of the Fig tree.

JESUS gave us all a history lesson in His own amazing way,

Now to understand about the length of the final generation and which generation JESUS was talking about let’s read from verse 32 which says as soon as the Fig tree’s young shoots become tender and it puts forth it’s leaves, you know that summer is near.

Remember the Fig tree in this parable represents the nation of Israel ( Hosea 9:10 ) and putting forth it’s leaves means that very day when Israel was put on the map as a nation which is;

May 14th, 1948 ( Isaiah 66:8, Who has seen such things, can a land be born in one day or can a nation be brought forth in a moment ? )

Yes, the nation of Israel was brought forth in a single day.

Now coming onto the final generation !

Psalms 90:10 tells us exactly the length of the final generation JESUS was talking about.

Psalms 90:10, The days of our lives are seventy years; And if by reason of strength they are eighty years, Yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; For it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

Yup, exactly the length of the final fig tree generation will be 80 years and look just after it what’s written;

It is soon cut off just as the days of the Tribulation will be cut off for no man could have survived if it were not and just after that we fly away which is clearly addressing to the gathering of the elect event ( The Rapture )

So let’s do the calculation,

1948 – the fig tree put forth it’s leaves i.e the nation of Israel is officially put on the map


80 years – length of the final fig tree generation

= 2028 ( that’s the year of JESUS’ second coming )

Disclaimer : This study has been done on the basis of facts presented by Gabriel Ansley. JRK Brothers do not consider this study to be 100% true but we do support such deep Bible Studies including Historical Facts. Readers are hereby advised to do a detailed research before accepting any theory.