Father’s Heart – Nehemiah Kulothungan

•Father’s Heart•

My dad visits home once a month or once in months and everytime he’s back from a trip, I help him unpack. Mostly expecting chocolates, shoes, new music, books, etc. He and I both value books as precious treasures, so this time he brings home a dozen books.His work schedule and his conservative background somehow always made it difficult for us to sit down and talk about life, marriage, relationships, etc and we’ve also reached a stage where It’d be awkward if we tried now..(or you never know) but deep inside, any father definitely wants to share wisdom from his experiences and knowledge with his son. My dad always speaks to me through books and emails.When I just turned 18, he gave me this book ’10 things I want my son to know’; opened my eyes! Every birthday he gives me a book that might guide me in that season.This is his love. Right now he’s preparing me for marriage. He’s done his part well in the way he knows best being an Earthly Mirror of a Heavenly Reality by revealing the father’s love and I’m grateful! .
Now my lifestyle has become just like him. Visiting home once a month or once in months. I don’t have biological children yet but I am blessed with spiritual sons and daughters that God has brought to me and is still adding to my life. I know my boys don’t enjoy books so much so I make calls and do dinners with them and now I understand exactly how my father feels whenever I respond to him. I pray I’m a dad who can directly sow and impart to my children whatever the lord has poured out within my heart.To all my children in the lord, My role is not to make you follow me but to help you follow Jesus and to teach you how to become fathers who will continue the same. You already know that if you hate books, I’ll call you and if you hate calls I’ll text you and if you hate that also, I’ll come meet you but I’m never giving up on you!

•Father’s Love•
“There’s no shadow You won’t light up
Mountain You won’t climb up
Coming after me
There’s no wall You won’t kick down
Lie You won’t tear down
Coming after me!”

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